Tantric Numerology

In Kundalini yoga, there are many teachings on the significance of numbers. The tantric numerology system recognizes and teaches that numbers have an energetic frequency, much like how people do. Numbers broadcast a specific frequency that, as practitioners, we can begin to tune our subtle awareness to.

Knowing the spiritual and energetic codes that correspond to certain numbers is much deeper than just a philosophical or conceptual understanding. Knowing the meanings of the numbers serves as a jumping-off point for greater more experiential knowledge, which is the only type of understanding really worth anything in the Age of Aquarius. Luckily, the yogic teachings around these codes are extensive, and we can easily find different practices that correspond to the energies of different numbers. Then, with just a little applied and consistent effort, we can have a genuine experience of the meanings of numbers.

2021 has been a 5 year (2+0+2+1=5). In tantric numerology, 5 corresponds to the 5th body of your yogic anatomy. The 5th body is the physical body. The energy of 5 is dense, it is physical, it is gross and raw. It is powerful in a sweaty, warrior kind of way. Physical effort and exertion bring with it a tremendous amount of friction and tension. In order to move, it is essential there is some friction. Movement produces kinetic energy, and that is very useful for earthly manipulation and manifestation. The 5th body is ruled by balance, the correct balance of friction and inertia, the correct balance of strength and flexibility, of effort and relaxation. In this way, the 5th body is the body of the teacher, who can show you the path, but you have to walk it. It is the energy of effort.

By contrast, 2022 will be a 6 year. 6 is ruled by the Arcline body. The arcline is the nucleus of your aura. In the yogic teachings, it is said our destiny is written on the arcline. Through spiritual devotion we can re-write our destiny. 6 is the number of divinity, of spiritual devotion and service to something greater than our ego. The 6 is represented by a “person of prayer”. This energy is more subtle, and etheric, and brings with it an energy of devotion. This will be a year to deepen your spiritual pursuits and dedicate more time to those activities that bring you into a flow state, or subtle awareness and co-creation with the universe.

If you want to start to work with experiencing the energy of 6, try this meditation.

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