Can Kundalini Yoga Change Your Life?
The short answer is yes
Kundalini yoga is the yoga of awareness. Using the access points of the body like breath, mental focus, body posture (asana), eye-focus, and mantra, Kundalini yoga allows you to become more aware of subtle energy. I liken this to being a radio. Imagine you are a radio with a small antenna. You will pick up a limited number of channels. Then imagine you install a much bigger antenna, suddenly you will be able to pick up a larger number of channels. When you had the smaller antenna, you couldn’t tune in to those new channels, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t broadcasting. They were very real and always there, you just didn’t have the right equipment to hear them.
Kundalini yoga uses the energy of the body to be able to turn on our ability to perceive subtle energy more clearly. Lots of different modalities of meditation and breathwork can do this, but Kundalini yoga is the fastest and most efficient method I have discovered to date.
Now let me be clear, Kundalini yoga is totally weird. I mean that in the most respectful and endearing sense of the word. I love weird things. If you ask me, ordinary is boring. So, if you’re stuck in a rut and you’re looking for a change, then the most logical thing to do is something out of the ordinary. Waving your arms around and chanting and breathing heavily can be very strange to the first-timer who knows nothing about Kundalini yoga, but the very fact that it is weird and different means it is going to change you.
Let me explain. We are all running mental and emotional patterns that manifest as a result of our subconscious thought-forms. These patterns may or may not be beneficial in helping us accomplish the things we want to accomplish. The minute you do something out of the ordinary, like chant for 31 minutes while holding your hands in a specific position, or mudra, you start to carve out new neural pathways. With consistent practice, you can override those subconscious habits and patterns with new ones that are more favorable to your mission.
To change your life, you have to change the way you think, the way you problem-solve, the way you approach adversity, pain, and difficulty. This is what Kundalini yoga has done for me. It gave me opportunity after opportunity to witness myself, to become aware of myself so that I might make choices other than the ones my habits would have me repeat. But as with most things, you need to have an experience of this for yourself in order for this question to be fully understood and answered.
If you’re interested in trying a free Kundalini yoga class click here