Online Workout Vs Gym, Which is Better?
The short answer is, it depends…
I advise looking at other criteria than just whether or not a virtual workout will be energetic and motivating. It is my belief that a virtual workout can be just as or more inspiring than its IRL counterpart.
At the start of 2020, when everything shut down and went virtual, a lot of people found new motivation in their fitness routine. All of a sudden, here we were, working out like Brady Bunch squares, Zoom bombs, and tech issues galore. But something funny happened. We got to see the humanity of the fitness industry. We got to see how easy it could be to get in a workout. We got to connect, despite feeling physically isolated. And we got to experience the boundlessness of subtle energy.
My yoga community already had a thriving virtual community. And I was pleasantly surprised how much of that potent group energy could be tangible, and palpable in our new virtual reality. When people gather in groups, move in synchrony, and breathe in synchrony, there is a change in the collective consciousness, regardless of physical distance.
Think of the so-called, butterfly effect. A lay example of this concept is this; a butterfly beats its wings in Calcutta, and that affects weather patterns in Kansas. Or more generally, a “broad term for any situation where a small change is supposed to be the cause of larger consequences.” (Wikipedia By this logic, could one person’s commitment to their health be a contributing factor to another person’s motivation on the other side of the world? Could one deep breath mean more inspiration for another in the virtual setting? My experience says: “absolutely, yes”.
The best workout for you is the one that you will actually do. Period. If things like traffic, parking, and safety protocols have any possibility of standing in your way of getting to an in-studio workout, then get yourself a virtual class pass with your favorite trainers and eliminate as many excuses as possible. The secret to bomb-ass workout experience lays with the talent, not the physical location.
I personally believe the future of fitness is trending towards a hybrid model, with virtual and IRL being used interchangeably. Saving the uniqueness of a class experience for special occasions to inspire and further ignite the daily work we do virtually at home.
What do you think?