Maui Magic
As I watch my boys adjust to their new lives on Maui, I am constantly reminded of what a blessing it was to grow up here. As a kid, I remember feeling like the island was a giant playground. Days off were spent looking at rainbows, jumping off waterfalls, and splashing around in the warm salt water. Maui provided me with endless amounts of fun and I loved her for it. I wasn’t the only one - I was surrounded by a community of people who had similar feelings of appreciation for the land and what it provides for us. I believe that when you live on Maui your sense of nature, and earth as a whole, changes. It becomes a part of you.
I have found living on an island produces a very distinct worldview. In my experience, this view isn't one that isn’t specific to Hawaii but shared by all Island nations. This mindset stems from deep gratitude for the land and acceptance of the island exactly as it is. We learn to put our energy into enjoying the land and protecting it for the generations to come, instead of wasting the energy wishing things were different. We understand that true paradise does not come from a place, it comes from within.
Therefore, when people move to Maui with the idea that once they get here everything will be perfect and all of their worries will disappear, they are sorely disappointed. It takes work to get to a place where we are ready to receive the gifts Maui has to offer. You must be in vibrational harmony with yourself before you can expect to be in harmony with the island.
I believe Elizabeth Gilbert describes the phenomena well:
“Every city has a single word that defines it, that identifies most people who live there. If you could read people's thoughts as they were passing you on the streets of any given place, you would discover that most of them are thinking the same thought. Whatever that majority thought might be - that is the word of the city. And if your personal word does not match the word of the city, then you don't really belong there. ”
Every time I tried to force a move back to Maui in the past, my plans fell apart at the seams. It just wasn’t my time to be here. My word didn’t match. My energy was not vibrating at the same frequency as the island. When the energy of the island calls us we must listen closely- because we will simply be an energetic match or we won't. Sometimes we need to wait until we are ready. This time as I prepared for the move back home, I knew in my soul it was time.
The gift of Hawai’i is living in the now and being in the present moment. The loss of my husband has brought me to a space where I am finding myself in a vibrational match with that energy. The only way I have been able to persevere in the midst of the turmoil and grief is by surrendering to the present moment. To what is here. To what is. Granted the circumstances that brought me here were tragic, but they have caused me to seek comfort from the Island. To listen for its wisdom. Lo and behold, I am finding just that.
I have always dreamed of raising my children on Maui. I wanted my sons to grow up in nature, I wanted them to feel the comfort of a close community, and I wanted them to learn the importance of caring for the island and its people. In our short time here I have witnessed their relationship with Maui blossom. What I didn’t anticipate was the newfound appreciation I feel towards this island as I see it through their eyes. Experiencing Maui again through the lens of a child has reminded me that this island is still a giant playground and we are never too old to enjoy it. As my sons continue to find new things they love about our new home, so do I.
Deep down I always knew I’d move back to Maui, but when the time came I was still scared. Will I feel the same way I felt when I was younger - will I eventually desire to leave and explore the world? The answer is yes and no. Growing up on Maui was magical and I’m now getting to experience that same magic as an adult, only this time I know that I’m exactly where I am supposed to be.